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Monday, February 21, 2011

New words

Unit 1:
wills, shrimps
Unit 2:
admire, terraced, make ends meet
Unit 3:
delightful, banks, doormat, spread, staff
Unit 4:
puzzled, lap, breeze,

Unit 4

Sam heard the fireman knock on the window. He was terrified, but he knew he had to get out. The flames were huge and he was very hot. Slowly, he moved towards the window. It was tiny and Sam didn't move if he get through. He managed after many attempts and when he reached the ground he felt very relieved. He suddenly realised that he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was to sleep.

  1. Suddenly
  2. loudly
  3. finally
  4. gentle
  5. pretticous
  6. hardly
  7. fastly
  8. well

  • to rain heavily
  • to sing sweetly
  • to shine brightly
  • to climb carefully
  • to shout loudly
  • to shake violently

  • good # terrible
  • cheap # expensive
  • easy # difficult
  • boring # interesting
  • long # short
  • awful # fantastic


A)                                              B)
  1. was shared staring                  11.     got
  2. was                                        12.    put
  3. was travelling                          13.     walked
  4. entered                                   14.     was waiting
  5. wore                                       15.     thought
  6. carried
  7. sat
  8. opened
  9. took
  10. gave

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hоорхойгоос чинээлэгрүү

Лиза смит бол британий нэрт дуучин юм. Тууний инээмсэглэл олон улсийн сэтгүүлийн нуурэнд тав’гддаг ба жил болгон дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт байх сая сая шүтэн бишрэгчиддээ зориулан тоглолт хийдэг.
Гэсэн хэдийч ливэрпүүл хотын ирээдүйтэй залуу одын маан’ ам’драл маш өөр байв. Лиза ярихдаа: 8 жилийн өмнө би 3н дуу болон эцэг эхтэйгээ хамт нитийн жижиг байранд ам’дардаг байв. Тэнд үнэхээр умгар давчүү байсан. Бидэнд хангалттай мөнгө байгаагуй учир би хойд хормойгоороо урд хормойгоо нөхөхийн тулд эмнэлэгийн цэвэрлэгчээр ажилдаг байлаа. би хувтасаа комиссын дэлгүүрээс авч байв. Би шарсан төмс болон чиколад идэх дуртай байсан учир нилээн махлаг байлаа. чөлөөт цагаараа их суруулийн хоорд дуулах эсвэл далайн эргээр алхдаг байсан. би цэнгээний газараар ордоггүй байлаа учир нь тэд үнэхээр үнэтэй байсан. би радио их сонсдог байсан. бүх дууны үгийг цээжилдэг байсан бөгөөөд хүмүүс намайг үдэшлэгт дуулуулахаар хөлсөлдөг байв. найзуудад маань миний хоолой их таалагддаг байсан учир тэд намайг дуу бичлэгийн компанируу бичлэгээ явуул гэж ятгадаг байлаа. энэ л бүх зүйлийн эхлэл болсом юм. 3н 7 хоногийн дараа би компаниас дуудлага хүлээж авсан бөгөөд миний амьдрал эрс өөрчилөгдсөн.
Одоо лиза бяцахан охин болон нөхөрийн хамт лондоноос холгүй аварга цэцэрлэгтэй том байшинд амидардаг. тэр илүү гуалиг болсон бөгөөд өөрийн загвар зохион бүтээгчийн хувтастай маш дэгжин харагддаг. тэр биеийн галбираа хадгалахийн тулд хоолны дэглэм бариж бас өдөр болгон заалруу явдаг. чөлөөт цагаараа тэр театр явах юмуу эсвэл үдэшлэгт очдог.
лизагийн ливэрпүүл дэхь амьдралийн хэв маяг өнөөдрийг хүртэл маш олон удаа өөрчилөгдсөн. тэр хэлэхдээ: миний бодолоор би өөрийн амидралаа одоог хуртэл залсандаа азтай. энэ бодсон шиг амар биш. учир нь надад өмнө нь байсан шиг хувийн зуйл байхгуй болсон. би хайр хүрэм гэр бүл бас ирээдүйтэй байр суурьтай. өөр надад юу хэрэгтэй гэж.

from Rags to Riches

From Rags to riches
C. Liza Smythe is a successful British singer. Her smiling face appears on the covers of international magazines, and every year she travels to many different parts of the world to perform concerts for millions of fans.
A. However, life used to be very different for bright young star from Liverpool. “Eight years ago,” says Liza, “I lived in a small terraced house with my parents and three brothers. It was very cramped! We didn’t have lot of money, so used to work as a cleaner at the local hospital to make ends meet. I used to by my clothes from second-hand shops. I was quite plump back then, because I liked eating chips and chocolate. In my free time I used to sing in the college choir or go for walks on the beach. I didn’t use to go to clubs because they were very expensive. I used to listen to the radio a lot, though. I learnt all the words to every pop song and people hired me to sing at parties. My friends liked my voice a lot, so they persuaded me to send a cassette to a record company. That’s how it all started for me. Three weeks later, I received a phone call from the company and my life changed completely.
D. Today, Liza lives in large house with a big garden just outside London with her husband and young daughter. She is much slimmer now, and looks very elegant in her chic designer clothes. She is constantly on a diet and goes to the gym every day to keep her body in shape. In her free time she enjoys going to the theatre or to parties.
B.Liza’s lifestyle has changed a lot since those days in Liverpool. “I think I’m very lucky to lead the life I do today. It’s not easy, though, because I don’t have the privacy that I used to have. Still, I have a lovely family and a very promising career. What else could I ask for?” she says.
1-C 2-A 3-D 4-B

Unit 1

                      1.      I am having a fantastic time   -   c. actions happening at the time of speaking.
                      2.      We spend our days hiking in the mountains    –    a) habits /soutines/ repeated                           
                      3.       Norwegians really love the ourdoors   -   b) permanent states.
                      4.      Next week we are going to Oslo   -   d) fixed arrangement in the near future.
                      5.      At the moment we are having a cup of hot chocolate   -   e) actions happening
                                                                                     around the moment of speaking.  

               A.                                                       B.
                                             How old                    -                      are you?
                                             How tall                    -                      are you?     
                                             What type of             -                     your hair like?
                                             What colour              -                      eyes have you got?
                                             What is                     -                      build are you?
                                             Have you got            -                      glasses (a beard) freckles etc?

Unit 2

1.                                                                                             I go – He goes
2.                                                                                             I watch – He watches
3.                                                                                            I play – He plays
4.                                                                                            I read – He read
5.                                                                                           I have – He has
6.                                                                                           I finish – He finish
7.                                                                                           I make – He makes
8.                                                                                          I  leave – He leaves
9.                                                                                           I do – He does
10                                             I brush – He brushes
                       1.      Never
                       2.      Rarely
                       3.      Occasionally
                       4.      Sometimes
                       5.      Usually
                       6.      Often
                       7.      Always
  1.                    Make your bed in the morning – always
  2.                     Do the washing up – sometimes
  3.                    Play basketball on Mondays – rarely
  4.                    Visit relatives at weekends – usually
  5.                    Watch the evening news on TV – occasionally
  6.                    Brush your teeth before going to bed – always
  1.                            What time do you start work. (wrong-does)
  2.                             I never drink coffee in the evening.
  3.                            I cooking dinner at the moment. (wrong-cook)
  4.                           I don’t having much free time. (wrong-am)
  5.                            How often do you do the ironing? (wrong-are)
  •         Appear – appeared
  •                          Travel – travelled
  •         Be – was
  •         Live – lived
  •         Sing – sang
  •         Go – went
  •         Learn – learnt
  •         Receive – received
  •         Start – started
  •         Change – changed
  •         Have – had
  •         Enjoy – enjoyed
                                    A:        I always drive to work.
                                    B:        So do I.
2.                                                                  A:         I never play video games in my free time.
                              B:         Nor do I.
3.                                                                  A:         I never make my bed in the morning?
                              B:         Oh really? I do.
4.                                                                  A:         I often go fishing at weekends.
                              B:         I don’t. I hate going fishing.
5.                                                                  A:         I always walk to school.
                              B:         So do I.
6.                                                                  A:         I never go to gym in my free time.
                              B:         Nor do I.
7.                                                                  A:         I never visit friends after school.
                              B:         Oh really? I do.
8.                                                                  A:         I often do the housework at weekends.
                              B:         I don’t. I hate doing the housework at weekends.
                  1.      They used to wear sandals.
                  2.      They didn’t used to ride motorbikes.
                  3.      They didn’t used to listen to Walkmans.
                  4.      Men didn’t used to wear suits.
                  5.      Women used to wear bracelets.
                  6.      They didn’t used to have mobile phones.

Unit 3.

1.                                                                              A beautiful brown wooden box with a brass lock.
2.                                                                              A large grey cotton shirt with a white collar.
3.                                                                              A heavy black metal saucepan with brown handles.
4.                                                                              A nice blue silk scarf with yellow stars on it.

·                                                                                 It’s a grey plastic suitcase with stickers on it.
·                                                                                 It’s a golden ring with diamonds on it.
·                                                                                 It’s a beautiful pink umbrella with handle on it.
·                                                                                 It’s a nice red travel bag with strap, zip and side pocket on it.
·                                                                                 It’s a white ball with spots on it.
·                                                                                 It’s a dark old shoes with a laces on it.
·                                                                                 It’s nice red cap with peak on it.
·                                                                                 It’s silver pen with top on it.

                                    big - bigger than - the biggest
                                    short - shorter than - the shortest
                                    beautiful - more beautiful than - the most beautiful
                                    large - larger than - the largest
                                    expensive - less expensive - the most expensive
                                    long - longer than - the longest
                                    bad - worse than -  the worst
                                    good - well than - the best
                                    little - smaller than - the least
  •                                      The purple skirt is much cheaper than the brown skirt.
  •                                      The red hat is most expensive.
  •                                      The blue hat is less expensive than green hat.
  •                                      The orange skirt longer than pink skirt.
  •                                      The brown skirt is the shortest.
  •                                      Green hat is the same price as yellow hat.
  •                                      The grey skirt is shorter than orange skirt.
  •                                      The pink skirt is not as long as the grey skirt.
  •                                       The red hat is much more beautiful.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hello, People of Mongolia!

Beautiful high sierras of Altai, mountainous and fertile pastures
The mountains of dense forest that beauty of north
This is the land where i was born
Mongolian delicate homeland.
            Mongolia is beautiful big country like sheeted deel just between Russia and China. Most of people call it “WHITE PRINCESS OF ASIA”. Mongolians has the richiest cultures and histories in the world. Mongolian Empire was founded in 1206 by Genghis Khan, his musketeers and aristocracies. It has four seasons with radical climate. Mongolian all thing for example: high mountains, deserts, dense forests, lakes and so on, make it wonderful country. One of that important thing is ‘people of Mongolia’.
            I think the most beautiful women and ladies of the world live in Mongolia. Also Mongolian guys are good-looking. Most of them are taller than other asians. They’ve got little brown eyes and light brown skin. Mongolians are all friendly, kind people who are proud their rich history, Genghis Khan and Empire ‘Khunnu’.
            From long-ago to 70s Mongolians were nomadic. They live in Ger and look-after five types of domestic animal. But now most of them live in city and some of them live in country side. Typical city consists flat, modern house, schools, shops and so on. Most of people in city are engineer, taxi driver and office worker. Also most people in countryside are herdsman, farmers.
            Mongolians eat meat and drink original, fresh milk. Families always eat together. They make curds and dried milk products then use it. In my opinion whatever country hasn’t that delicious titbit. Also mongolian national foods are buuz, roast meet and horhog.
            Mongolians enjoy the outdoors. Most popular free-time activities include wrestling, watching show entertainment in open-field, horse-racing and employing sports. Mongolians hasn’t so many holidays. But they celebrate their few holidays really spaciously. For example “THE FIRST MONTH OH THE LUNAR YEAR”. They wear national clothes, eat buuz, also give presents each other and greet.
            Mongolia is a fascinating country. Rich cultural history and warm-hearted people make it exclusive. In whatever country and whoever never help someone who migrate to another place near them. But Mongolians always help. They say Mongolians are luxurious when they’ve language, five types of domestic animal and boundary.