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Monday, February 21, 2011

Unit 4

Sam heard the fireman knock on the window. He was terrified, but he knew he had to get out. The flames were huge and he was very hot. Slowly, he moved towards the window. It was tiny and Sam didn't move if he get through. He managed after many attempts and when he reached the ground he felt very relieved. He suddenly realised that he was exhausted. All he wanted to do was to sleep.

  1. Suddenly
  2. loudly
  3. finally
  4. gentle
  5. pretticous
  6. hardly
  7. fastly
  8. well

  • to rain heavily
  • to sing sweetly
  • to shine brightly
  • to climb carefully
  • to shout loudly
  • to shake violently

  • good # terrible
  • cheap # expensive
  • easy # difficult
  • boring # interesting
  • long # short
  • awful # fantastic


A)                                              B)
  1. was shared staring                  11.     got
  2. was                                        12.    put
  3. was travelling                          13.     walked
  4. entered                                   14.     was waiting
  5. wore                                       15.     thought
  6. carried
  7. sat
  8. opened
  9. took
  10. gave

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